


Bobath koncept


Bobath koncept


Bobath koncept je  eden izmed najbolj pogosto uporabljenih nevrorehabilitacijskih pristopov (Kollen et al., 2009; Vaughan-Graham, Cott, & Wright, 2015). Njegov namen je optimizacija funkcionalnega okrevanja po leziji centralnega živčnega sistema (CŽS) ter zmanjševanje kompenzacij (Vaughan-Graham & Cott, 2016).

Po trenutno veljavni definiciji je Bobath koncept individualiziran terapevtski pristop ki strmi k optimizaciji okrevanja gibanja in potenciala za osebe z nevrološko patofiziologijo. Temelji na sodobni znanosti o gibanju in nevro-znanosti. Koncept nudi okvir za analizo funkcionalnega gibanja na osnovi prepričanja, da nevrološka patologija vpliva na celotno osebo. Intervencije so usmerjene v okrevanje tipičnega gibanja, zmanjševanje atipičnega in kompenzatornega gibanja z upoštevanjem gibalnih problemov, ki so nastali zaradi izkušenj osebe pred in po nevrološki leziji. Poudarek je na 24-urnem multidisciplinarnem pristopu za spodbujanje aktivnosti in participacije. Funkcionalna analiza gibanja upošteva vpliv senzoričnih informacij na interakcijo posturalne kontrole, selektivnega gibanja in kognitivnih/percepcijskih procesov. Kontrola trupa in glave je enako pomembna kot kontrola zgornjih in spodnjih ekstremitet. Posebej poudarjena je kvaliteta gibanja z ozirom na posturalno kontrolo, selektivno gibanje, aktivno poravnavo vseh telesnih segmentov in sposobnost sprejemanja, integracije in odzivanja na senzorične informacije. Facilitacija je klinična spretnost in je aktiven proces, ki vpliva na senzorične informacije preko terapevtskega rokovanja, strukturiranja okolja in besednih namigov. Pacientov odziv na facilitacijo vpliva na proces kliničnega sklepanja. (Vaughan-Graham et al., 2019). 

S tem pristopom želimo spodbujati pravilnejše in učinkovitejše gibalne vzorce ter zmanjševati kompenzacijske gibe pri vsakodnevnih aktivnostih. Zavedati pa se je potrebno, da so atipični gibalni vzorci posledica človekovih življenjskih izkušenj (bolečina, zvin, zlom in podobno) na podlagi katerih oblikujemo svoj gibalni vzorec, ti pa so lahko prisotni že pred nevrološko lezijo. 

Gre za 24-urni holistični pristop za povečanje aktivnosti in sodelovanja posameznika v procesu rehabilitacije pri nevrološki patologiji. Pri terapiji najpogosteje uporabljamo tehniko facilitacije. 

Za razvoj in kvaliteto koncepta skrbi Mednarodno združenje Bobath inštruktorjev IBITA. 


Vaughan-Graham, J., Cheryl, C., Holland, A., Michielsen, M., Magri, A., Suzuki, M., & Brooks, D. (2019). Developing a revised definition of the Bobath concept: Phase three. Physiotherapy Research International.

Vaughan-Graham, J., & Cott, C. (2016). Defining a Bobath clinical framework–A modified e-Delphi study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.

Strokovna literatura – knjige o Bobath konceptu

  • Benito García M, Jiménez Jiménez S. (2020) Entrenamiento del control postural de la marcha. In: Molina Rueda F, Carratalá Tejada M (Editors). La marcha humana. Biomecánica, evaluación y patología. Madrid: Panamericana: 188 – 87 (Spanish)
  • Hengelmolen-Greb, A & Jöbges, M. (2018) Guide Physiotherapy in Neurology. Urban & Fischer. Elsevier. ISBN:  3437451316   (German)
  • Gjelsvik, B. E. B., & Syre, L. (2017). Die Bobath-Therapie in der Erwachsenenneurologie. Germany (3rd Edition). Georg Thieme Verlag. ISBN: 9783132400696 (German)
  • Gjelsvik, B. E. B., & Syre, L. (2016). The Bobath concept in adult neurology (2nd Edition). Germany. Thieme. ISBN 978-3-13-145452-2. (English)


Strokovna literatura – članki o Bobath konceptu


Članki so razporejeni po letnicah objave. 


  • Sütçü, G., Özçakar, L., Yalçın, A., & Kılınç, M. (2023) Bobath  vs. Task-Oriented training after Stroke: An assessor-blind randomized controlled trial, Brain Injury, 37:7, 581-587, DOI:10.1080/02699052.2023.2203519  To link to this article:


  • Castelli, L., Giovannini, S., Iacovelli, C., Fusco, A., Pastorino, R., Marafon, D. P., Pozzilli, C., & Padua, L. (2022) Training-dependent plasticity and far transfer effect enhanced by Bobath rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 68, 104241. Advance online publication.
  • Gusowski K, Vorovenci F, Flachenecker P (2022) The Bobath Concept Case Series Report. Med Case Rep Vol.8 No.12:252.


  • Eckhardt G., Brock K., Haase G., Ishida T., Hummelsheim H. (2021) An Individualised Learning and Exercise Program Based on the Bobath Concept to Facilitate Goal Achievement in People with Chronic Stroke. American Journal of Health Research  Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021, pp. 26-33.
  • Sliwka, A., Pilinski, R., Rosa, W., & Nowobilski, R. (2021). The influence of the trunk muscle activation on occlusion pressure and respiratory muscle strength in healthy participants: Randomized controlled trial. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology290, 103682.


  • Gunduz, A. G., Yazici, G., Özkul, Ç., Kügük, H., Çaglayan, H. Z. B., & Nazliel, B. (2019). The effects of early neurodevelopmental Bobath approach and mobilization on quadriceps muscle thickness in stroke patients. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 49(1), 318-326.
  • Michielsen, M., Vaughan-Graham, J. A., Holland, A., Magri, A., & Suzuki, M. (2019). The Bobath concept – a model to illustrate clinical practice: responding to comments on Michielsen et al. Disability and rehabilitation, 41(17), 2109–2110.
  • Normann, B. (2018). Facilitation of movement: New perspectives provide expanded insights to guide clinical practice. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 1-10.
  • Vaughan-Graham, J., Patterson, K., Zabjek, K., & Cott, C. A. (2019). Important Movement Concepts: Clinical Versus Neuroscience Perspectives. Motor control, (00), 1-21.
  • Vaughan-Graham, J., Cheryl, C., Holland, A., Michielsen, M., Magri, A., Suzuki, M., & Brooks, D. (2019). Developing a revised definition of the Bobath concept: Phase three. Physiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy, e1832.


  • Kogami, H., An, Q., Yang, N., Yamakawa, H., Tamura, Y., Yamashita, A., & Shibata-Alnajjar, F. (2018). Effect of Physical Therapy on Muscle Synergy Structure During Standing-Up Motion of Hemiplegic Patients. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(3), 2229-2236.
  • Nagy, E. (2018). Motor learning in dystonia: distorted feedback results in distorted motor learning and information-seeking compensatory behaviour. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 41(3), 280-283.
  • Vaughan‐Graham, J., Cott, C., Holland, A., Michielsen, M., Magri, A., Suzuki, M., & Brooks, D. (2018). Developing a revised definition of the Bobath concept. Physiotherapy Research International, e1762.


  • Michielsen, M., Vaughan-Graham, J., Holland, A., Magri, A., & Suzuki, M. (2017). The Bobath concept–a model to illustrate clinical practice. Disability and rehabilitation, 1-13.
  • Vaughan‐Graham, J., & Cott, C. (2017). Phronesis: practical wisdom the role of professional practice knowledge in the clinical reasoning of Bobath instructors. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 23(5), 935-948.


  • Eckhardt, G., Haase, G., Brock, K., & Hummelsheim, H. (2016). Interactive-dialogue in the Bobath concept: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 23(2), 81-90.
  • Hengelmolen-Greb, A. (2016). Bobath-Konzept–Überprüfung der Lehrinhalte von Bobath-Grundkursen: Enthält der Lehrplan evidenzbasierte Maßnahmen?. physioscience, 12(01), 17-25.
  • Ilett, P., Lythgo, N., Martin, C., & Brock, K. (2016). Balance and gait in people with multiple sclerosis: a comparison with healthy controls and the immediate change after an intervention based on the Bobath concept. Physiotherapy Research International, 21(2), 91-101.
  • Vaughan-Graham, J., & Cott, C. (2016). Defining a Bobath clinical framework–A modified e-Delphi study. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 32(8), 612-627.


  • Benito García, M., Arratibel, A., Ángeles, M., & Terradillos Azpiroz, M. E. (2015). The Bobath Concept in walking activity in chronic Stroke measured through the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Physiotherapy Research International, 20(4), 242-250.
  • Hengelmolen-Greb, A., Glück, D., & Schäfer, C. (2015). Einfluss des» Sitz-zu-Stand-Trainers®«auf die Transfer-und Balancefähigkeiten von Patienten mit Hemiparese. Neurol Rehabil, 21, 155-162.
  • Vaughan-Graham, J., Cott, C., & Wright, F. V. (2015). The Bobath (NDT) concept in adult neurological rehabilitation: what is the state of the knowledge? A scoping review. Part I: conceptual perspectives. Disability and rehabilitation, 37(20), 1793-1807.
  • Vaughan-Graham, J., Cott, C., & Wright, F. V. (2015). The Bobath (NDT) concept in adult neurological rehabilitation: what is the state of the knowledge? A scoping review. Part II: intervention studies perspectives. Disability and rehabilitation, 37(21), 1909-1928.


  • Brock, K. A., & Cotton, S. M. (2012). Concerns about standards of reporting of clinical trials: an RCT comparing the Bobath concept and motor relearning interventions for rehabilitation of stroke patients as an exemplar. Physiotherapy Research International, 17(2), 123-124.


  • Greb, A. (2011). Das Bobath-Konzept in der gegenwärtigen klinischen Praxis. Bewegung Und Entwicklung, 34(1), 28-35.
  • Levin, MF., Panturin, E. (2011).  Sensorimotor Integration for Functional Recovery and the Bobath Approach, Motor Control, 15, 285-301. Human Kinetics, Inc.
  • Øygard, K., Hæstad, H., & Jørgensen, L. (2011). Physiotherapy, based on the Bobath concept, may influence the gait pattern in persons with limb‐girdle muscle dystrophy: a multiple case series study. Physiotherapy Research International, 16(1), 20-31.


  • Graham, J. V., Eustace, C., Brock, K., Swain, E., & Irwin-Carruthers, S. (2009). The Bobath concept in contemporary clinical practice. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 16(1), 57-68.
